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Are humans from monkey or clays?

Do you sometimes get bored of hearing "humans are from monkeys?" Then get hit with religious theories or misconceptions about evolution from people who have never even read Origins of Species and then get involved with Judaism or atheism?

Well, I do & worry not!

This time I will discuss the evolution of humans from A-H (Australopithecus – Hominid). Keep in mind that I am writing in the context of science which is accompanied by concrete evidence, not with the discussion of beliefs/religions, so don't bring your religion/belief into this thread because it doesn't work that way.

Without much fuss, please enjoy.

Australopithecus the pioneer of evolution

“Our genomes carry the story of evolution, written in DNA, the language of molecular genetics, and the narrative is unmistakable” – Kenneth R. Miller

Like it or not, evolution is a part of life and they are one of the existing builders for both animals and the environment, aka all organisms in this world without exception which sometimes due to certain factors can produce something new; but can not grow his feelings for you yak. Evolution works together with many factors so that DNA can survive but whether this individual isolates, stops bleeding, or can't survive a disease/weather he will perish and his evolution will stop, it needs to be underlined that evolution is not linear. An example is Meganthropus paleojavanicus which was found by von Koenigswald in 1936 in Sangiran and should have been inhabited by H. Erectus (Pithecanthropus erectus), he was only found at that site and there are no known signs of distribution elsewhere, while H. erectus itself is known to continue to become H. sapiens.

Lucy's bones, which were successfully excavated, are one of the results of a fairly complete excavation of the human species.

 Darwin as one of the founders of the theory of evolution besides Mendel, Lamarck and Wallace wrote that all living things on this earth are the result of descendants of the same ancestor that underwent modifications. Species are not something that is permanent or does not change but evolve through a process of a gradual change from various existing species, aka the role of natural selection.

In human evolution itself, it started with the emergence of the species Sahelanthropus tchadensis 7 million years ago living in the Miocene era which was found in 2001-2002 in the Chad area, Central Africa, and the discovery of Ardipithecus (both kadabba & ramidus) which lived 4.4 million years ago which again found in Africa to be precise Ethiopia. Yes, we are primates almost undisputedly in terms of similarities (attached). However, what is the strongest evidence is the discovery of Australopithecus afarensis a.k.a Lucy itself which has several sub-species including Hadar, Omo, Maka, Fejej, and Belohdelie (Ethiopia) and Koobi Fora and Lothagam (Kenya). In addition to the bones from the excavation, rare evidence was also found in the form of footprints belonging to one of Lucy's other friends named Laetoli (Tanzania); one of the shreds of evidence that Australopithecus was standing / active with 2 legs upright (bipedal) besides that after the bone reconstruction was carried out it was found that Lucy was estimated to be 1 meter tall. Oh, yes, this Lucy is the work of one of the famous Paleoanthropologists, Donald Johanson et al. They gave the name Lucy because when they were in the excavation process they only heard the song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, which was performed by The Beatles. Lucy, herself has a total amount of about 40% completeness which indicates quite complete because usually, all that is left is the skull (skull). Lucy is also suspected of having a role in giving an indication of the origin of language that can be seen at the base of the neck which is already in the middle.

After Lucy started to find another Lucy, the following is the description:

1. Australopithecus boisei/ Paranthropus boisei/ Zinjanthropus boisei: lived about 2.6 – 1.2 million years ago. Founded by R. Leakey in Koobi Fora, Kenya 1969. This species lived during the Pliocene & Pleistocene.

The skull of Australopithecus boisei. Check the cheekbones & eyebrows that are still protruding.

2. Australopithecus robustus: an Australopithecus species that has a stocky, taller, and heavier body that can be seen from the size of the existing skull. It was first discovered by Robert Broom at Kromdraai & Swartkrans in 1938. It is estimated that he lived about 2-1 million years ago.

Robustus, underwent significant development, especially the skull which has,"heavy chewy complex"

3. Australopithecus sediba: discovered in 2008 in the Malapa Caves, South Africa by Lee L. Berger. Estimated to live -+1.98 million years ago. It is unique, namely the presence of Homo characteristics. The fossils found were the fossils of a child aged 10-13 years with a

a height of about 1.3 meters. Has nearly 40% skeleton count

If we look at some living in almost the same era, but according to several studies each species performs sexual isolation this is due to the territorial nature and the tendency of males do not to want to have other adult males who are too dominant/many (A. robustus is thought to live). side by side with the genus Homo). In its own distribution the Australopithecus.

Sediba's successfully excavated bones

In short: evolution is NOT linear.

“Evolution happens and for the world able to stand almost 4. 54 billion years, isn't it enough evidence of how evolution works?”

References :

-Darwin, Charles (1859), On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life, London: John Murray

-Johanson, D.C.; Maitland, A.E. (1981). Lucy: The Beginning of Humankind. St Albans: Granada.

-Wood, B.A. (1994). "Evolution of australopithecines". In Jones, S.; Martin, R.; Pilbeam, D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.


-Frisancho, Roberto (2006). Humankind Evolving: An Exploration of the Origins of Human Diversity. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company


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